


what is Anti-GABA-ARα1 γ1

GABA A receptors are ligand-gated chloride channels that play a role as inhibitory neurotransmitters. They are known targets for certain classes of environmental and pharmaceutical compounds because a number of drugs interact with binding sites on GABA A. Some of these drugs include benzodiazepines, anticonvulsants, and anesthetics.

GABA A Receptors are comprised of subunits and these are further classified into 3 major groups (alpha, beta, and gamma). The subunits determine the pharmacological characteristics. The binding of GABA to GABA A receptors results in the increase transportation of chlorine ions into the neuron. This influx results in signal transmission repression. Studies have shown that if cell to cell signaling goes unchecked due to a lack of GABA, a system "overload" can resulting in blackouts, rapid body contractions, seizures and epilepsy.
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