


metallic powders property

Metallic powders -like material is loose, its overall performance reflects the nature of the metal itself and the individual particle properties and particle group features. The performance of the metallic powders is generally divided into chemical properties, physical properties and process performance. Chemical properties is the metal content and impurities. Physical properties such as powder, the average size and size distribution, powder surface area and true density, particle shape, surface morphology and internal microstructure. Process performance is a combination of properties including powder flow, apparent density, tap density, compressibility, forming and sintering size changes. In addition, also requires some special purpose powder with other chemical and physical properties, such as catalytic, electrochemical activity, corrosion resistance, electromagnetic properties, internal friction coefficient. Performance of metallic powders depends largely on the powder production methods and Preparation process. Basic properties of the powder can be determined given the standard detection methods. Powder size and distribution of the measured many ways, generally using sieve analysis (> 44μm), sedimentation analysis (0.5 ~ 100μm), gas permeation method, the microscope method. Ultra-fine powder (<0.5μm) using electron microscopy and X-ray small angle scattering method. metallic powders used is divided into coarse, medium pink, powder, fine powder and fine powder of five levels.
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