


Note the use of Cobalt Sulfate

Health hazards: The product dust eye, nose, respiratory and gastrointestinal mucosa has a stimulating
effect. Cause coughing, vomiting, abdominal cramps, increased body temperature, leg weakness. Skin
contact can cause allergic dermatitis, contact dermatitis. Environmental hazards: may be hazardous to
the environment, can cause pollution of water bodies.
Explosion hazard: the product non-flammable, toxic, irritant.
First aid measures:
Skin contact: Remove contaminated clothing, wash with plenty of water.
Eye contact: Did eyelid, mobile or saline irrigation water. Medical treatment.
Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. Keep the airway open. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If
breathing stops, artificial respiration immediately. Medical treatment.
Ingestion: drink enough water, induce vomiting. Medical treatment.
Fire-fighting measures:
Hazardous characteristics: its not burning. Heat released by the decomposition of toxic gases.
Hazardous combustion products: sulfur oxides.
Fire fighting methods: Firefighters must wear fire protective body suits, fire in the wind. When
possible, move containers from the fire scene empty Department. Then select the appropriate fire cause
fire extinguishing agent.
Accidental release measures:
Emergency treatment: isolation leakage polluted area, restricting access. Recommended emergency
personnel wearing respirators, wearing protective clothing. Do not direct contact with leakage.
A small leak: Avoid dust, carefully sweep up, collect and transport waste to disposal sites.
Large Leak: recycling or collection and transport the waste to disposal sites.
Handling Precautions: closed operation, local exhaust. To prevent the dust released into the air
workshop. The operator must go through specialized training, strict adherence to rules. Proposed
operators wear self-absorption filter respirators, wearing protective chemical safety glasses, wear
rubber acid suit, wearing rubber gloves acid. To avoid dust. Equipped with spill response equipment.
Empty containers may be harmful residues.
Storage: Store in a cool, ventilated warehouse. Away from fire and heat. To prevent direct sunlight.
Packaging must be sealed, not damp. And food chemicals, etc. should be kept separate, sealed. Storage
areas should be equipped with suitable host material spill.
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