


nano products,Nano powder

Nano powder and called superfine powder or super fine powder, generally refers to size in the 100 nm in the following powder or particles, are a cross between atoms, molecules and macro in intermediate between objects found solid particles materials. Can be used for: high magnetic recording materials; Absorbing stealth materials; Magnetic liquid materials; Radiation protection materials; Monocrystalline silicon and precision optical device polishing materials; Microchip heat conduction substrate and wiring materials; Microelectronics packaging materials; Photoelectron materials; The advanced battery electrode materials; Solar battery materials; Efficient catalyst; Efficient accelerant; Sensitive components; High toughness ceramic materials (cast not cracked ceramic, used in ceramic engine, etc.); The human body repair materials; Anticancer agents.

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nano products list

cobalt metal compounds

(1) cobalt oxide:
Oxalic acid is usually used as raw materials cobalt or cobalt carbonate pumping by 500-600 ℃ calcined cobalt oxide obtained, the main reaction is as follows: CoC2O4 == CoO + CO + CO2 CoCO3 == CoO + CO2
(2) cobalt hydroxide:
Usually in solution or cobalt sulfate cobalt chloride solution using sodium hydroxide solution and obtained, the main reaction is as follows: cobalt
Co2 + +2 OH-== Co (OH) 2 Co (OH) 2 + O2 +2 H2O == 4Co (OH) 3
(3) Cobalt chloride:
Cobalt metal powder is usually used with dilute hydrochloric acid into the cobalt chloride solution, and then obtained by evaporation and crystallization of cobalt chloride crystals, the main reaction is as follows:
Co + HCl — COCl2 Co + H2SO4 — COSO4
(4)cobalt sulfate:
Usually oxidized cobalt as raw material, sulfuric acid dissolved powder obtained by evaporation and crystallization by the color of the cobalt sulfate crystal, the main reaction is as follows: CoO + H2SO4 == CoSO4 + H2O
(5) cobalt carbonate:
Usually available in cobalt chloride solution or sulfuric acid solution using sodium carbonate solution of sodium cobalt precipitate obtained, the main reaction is as follows: CoCl2 + Na2CO3 == CoCO3 +2 NaCl
(6) cobalt oxalate:
Usually in solution or cobalt sulfate cobalt chloride solution using ammonium oxalate solution precipitate obtained, the main reaction is as follows: (NH4) 2C2O4 + CoCl2 == CoC2O4 +2 NH4Cl

Chlamydia Trachomatis IgG ELISA Kit Uses

Chlamydia trachomatis (serotypes DK) is a common sexually transmitted pathogens. The clinical symptoms of infection as urethritis, cervicitis, or salpingitis, etc. The infection can lead to peritonitis and perihepatitis. Infected infants born to mothers who may be suffering from conjunctivitis or pneumonia. Other serotypes of Chlamydia trachomatis (AC) can lead to infection due to wipe trachoma. Lymphogranuloma venereum is a sexually transmitted disease, is mainly caused by serotypes L1-L3′s. Chlamydia trachomatis in morphology, histology and immunology, and Chlamydia pneumoniae and Chlamydia psittaci is similar to the relevant laboratory testing to bring some degree of difficulty.
Chlamydia are intracellular bacteria. Therefore, the appropriate tissue samples for chlamydia antigen detection or serum antibody testing is necessary in terms. When the antigen is difficult to collect, it will recommend the use of antibody detection methods. Outer membrane protein complex of the use of antibody detection is very crucial and important. Such antibodies can only detect Chlamydia pneumoniae specific.
Chlamydia Trachomatis IgG ELISA Ki Uses:
In vitro diagnostic testing products. Chlamydophila trachomatis IgG / IgM in human serum is used to detect Chlamydia trachomatis IgG or IgM antibody enzyme immunoassay. The product is commonly used in suspected cases of chlamydial infection or for clarifying the immune status.
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Chlamydia Trachomatis IgG ELISA Kit

what is Paxillin

Paxillin is a process involving cell adhesion extracellular matrix (focal adhesion) sites on the actin – membrane attached to the cytoskeleton. Paxillin in integrin signaling plays a very important role in integrin-mediated cytoskeletal re-organization needs to paxillin phosphorylation of tyrosine residues. Paxillin is focal adhesion kinase (FAK) in its 118 tyrosine residues at the phosphorylation. Has proven, paxillin 118-bit and 31 two phosphorylation of tyrosine residues for MM1 cancer cell migration is necessary. Paxillin is a molecular weight of 68KDa the focal adhesion protein involved in tumor cell adhesion and metastasis. Mainly used for a variety of cancer research.
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Alzheimer’s drug Donepezil

Donepezil is currently the treatment of America’s most popular Alzheimer’s drug. The advantage is only
once a day orally, the liver side effects is very low. Drug by the U.S. flying (Pfizer) developed by the
Indications: Donepezil primarily adapted to the treatment of mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease, can
improve the patient’s memory and other cognitive abilities.
The drug benefits: 1. Liver side effects is low, do not need routine check liver function; 2 does not
interfere with the metabolism of other drugs and the role; 3 only once daily oral administration; 4. The
world has 25 million people take the drug.
Mechanisms: the brain called neurotransmitters acetylcholine to maintain normal human memory. Studies
have shown that elderly memory loss and brain acetylcholine levels decline. Winnipeg yl winter to
prevent acetylcholine by a substance called cholinesterase damage, increase brain acetylcholine
concentrations, serve to enhance the memory effect. Of 473 cases of patients with double-blind study
found that older people taking Donepezil24 weeks in a row, their memory and other cognitive functions
were significantly higher than placebo (Yunnan powder) patients.
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Geotrichum(geotrichum capitatum) economic use

1, Geotrichum of bacterial protein of high nutritional value for food and feed can also be used to
extract nucleic acids. Geotrichum also can synthesize fat, to make use of sugar, distillery and other organic wastewater of food factory
production of feed protein.
2, can use the five-carbon sugars, organic acids and protein content higher production ATP,nucleotides, coenzyme A, cytochrome C, etc.
Artificial meat species, feed yeast.


the property of nanometer alumina liquid

1 nano-alumina transparent liquid XZ-LY101 transparent, high. No precipitation is not hierarchical.
2 nano-alumina transparent liquid XZ-LY101 have liquid water, oily liquid, which can be alcohols,
ethers, ketones liquid. Are transparent, very good compatibility.
3, nano aluminum oxide transparent liquid XZ-LY101 PH = 7.0 ph value, but the specific concrete can be
adjusted according to customer requirements. Ph value adjustment had no effect on the liquid.
4, the nano-alumina transparent liquid XZ-LY101 high hardness, dimensional stability, and can be widely
used in plastics, rubber, ceramics, refractory products such as reinforcement toughening
5, transparent liquid nano-alumina ceramic XZ-LY101 improve the compactness, smoothness, thermal
fatigue resistance, fracture toughness, creep resistance and wear resistance of polymer products is
particularly significant
6, the nano-alumina is a transparent liquid XZ-LY101 performance of far-infrared emitting material, as
far-infrared emission and thermal insulation materials are used in chemical fiber products and high-
pressure sodium lamps. In addition, high resistance of alumina, has good insulating properties, can be
applied to YGA laser crystallization of the major components and integrated circuit substrates
7, improved scratch-resistant UV curable coating capability and durability, these UV-curable coatings
for applications that require a high degree of wear a lot of areas, such as plastic flooring
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Basic Theory of Metal Compounds

Metals are elements that occur naturally throughout Earth's surface. All elements of the periodic table are either metals or nonmetals. Most elements of the periodic table are metals, although non-metals are more common on Earth. Metals have common characteristics that they usually shiny, are malleable (easy to form other objects) and conduct electricity well.
  Most metals are not naturally in the earth itself, they are usually mixed with another material, and together this thing called "metal connections." One type is referred to as oxides of these compounds. These oxides form a mixture of aluminum and are found in substances called ore. For example, aluminum oxide, the most important metal compound in the ore bauxite is known.
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Metal Compounds

Absorption properties and uses of palladium sponge

After the chemical purification of palladium sponge product; shape like a sponge. Room temperature, 1 volume of palladium sponge can absorb 900 volumes of hydrogen, a volume of colloid palladium can absorb hydrogen volume 1200. Heated to 40 ~ 50 ℃, that most of the release of hydrogen absorption, widely used as gas reactions, especially hydrogenation or dehydrogenation catalyst, can also produce resistance line, watches and other alloys.
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Note the use of Cobalt Sulfate

Health hazards: The product dust eye, nose, respiratory and gastrointestinal mucosa has a stimulating
effect. Cause coughing, vomiting, abdominal cramps, increased body temperature, leg weakness. Skin
contact can cause allergic dermatitis, contact dermatitis. Environmental hazards: may be hazardous to
the environment, can cause pollution of water bodies.
Explosion hazard: the product non-flammable, toxic, irritant.
First aid measures:
Skin contact: Remove contaminated clothing, wash with plenty of water.
Eye contact: Did eyelid, mobile or saline irrigation water. Medical treatment.
Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. Keep the airway open. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If
breathing stops, artificial respiration immediately. Medical treatment.
Ingestion: drink enough water, induce vomiting. Medical treatment.
Fire-fighting measures:
Hazardous characteristics: its not burning. Heat released by the decomposition of toxic gases.
Hazardous combustion products: sulfur oxides.
Fire fighting methods: Firefighters must wear fire protective body suits, fire in the wind. When
possible, move containers from the fire scene empty Department. Then select the appropriate fire cause
fire extinguishing agent.
Accidental release measures:
Emergency treatment: isolation leakage polluted area, restricting access. Recommended emergency
personnel wearing respirators, wearing protective clothing. Do not direct contact with leakage.
A small leak: Avoid dust, carefully sweep up, collect and transport waste to disposal sites.
Large Leak: recycling or collection and transport the waste to disposal sites.
Handling Precautions: closed operation, local exhaust. To prevent the dust released into the air
workshop. The operator must go through specialized training, strict adherence to rules. Proposed
operators wear self-absorption filter respirators, wearing protective chemical safety glasses, wear
rubber acid suit, wearing rubber gloves acid. To avoid dust. Equipped with spill response equipment.
Empty containers may be harmful residues.
Storage: Store in a cool, ventilated warehouse. Away from fire and heat. To prevent direct sunlight.
Packaging must be sealed, not damp. And food chemicals, etc. should be kept separate, sealed. Storage
areas should be equipped with suitable host material spill.
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the use of Palladium(II) chloride

Palladium(II) chloride, also known as palladium dichloride, are the chemical compounds with the formula PdCl2. PdCl2 is a common starting material in palladium chemistry – palladium-based catalysts are of particular value in organic synthesis. It is prepared by chlorination of palladium.
Even when dry, palladium(II) chloride is able to rapidly stain stainless steel. Thus, palladium(II) chloride solutions are sometimes used to test for the corrosion-resistance of stainless steel.
It is sometimes used in carbon monoxide detectors. Carbon monoxide reduces palladium(II) chloride to palladium:
PdCl2 + CO + H2O → Pd + CO2 + 2HCl
Residual PdCl2 is converted to red PdI2, the concentration of which may be determined colorimetrically:
PdCl2 + 2 KI → PdI2 + 2 KCl

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CAS No. :7647 -10-1
 Molecular formula: PdCL2
 Molecular Weight: 177.31
 MDL No.: MFCD00003558
 EC No. :231 -596-2
 Melting point :678-680 ° C (lit.)
 Density: 4 g / mL at 25 ° C (lit.)
 Traits Description:
 Reddish-brown crystalline powder, deliquescence, soluble in dilute hydrochloric acid, stable in air, soluble in water, ethanol, acetone and hydrobromic acid.
 Storage Transportation:
 Sealed dry preservation.
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Buy Nano zinc oxide dispersion Online

Product name:Nano zinc oxide dispersion
Appearance:white liquid

Particle size(nm):50±10


Package: 25kgs/plastic drum

It can be widely used in sunproof cosmetic, functional fibre and textile, paint, dope, rubber, latex, plastic, pottery and so on.
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what is Anti-GABA-ARα1 γ1

GABA A receptors are ligand-gated chloride channels that play a role as inhibitory neurotransmitters. They are known targets for certain classes of environmental and pharmaceutical compounds because a number of drugs interact with binding sites on GABA A. Some of these drugs include benzodiazepines, anticonvulsants, and anesthetics.

GABA A Receptors are comprised of subunits and these are further classified into 3 major groups (alpha, beta, and gamma). The subunits determine the pharmacological characteristics. The binding of GABA to GABA A receptors results in the increase transportation of chlorine ions into the neuron. This influx results in signal transmission repression. Studies have shown that if cell to cell signaling goes unchecked due to a lack of GABA, a system "overload" can resulting in blackouts, rapid body contractions, seizures and epilepsy.
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what is Lithium cobalt oxide

Lithium cobalt oxide (LiCoO2) is a chemical compound commonly used in the positive electrodes of lithium-ion batteries. The structure of LiCoO2 is known theoretically and has been confirmed with techniques like x-ray diffraction, electron microscopy, neutron powder diffraction, and EXAFS.The compound's usefulness as an intercalation electrode was discovered in 1980 by John B. Goodenough's research group at Oxford.

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ATO liquid Suppliers,ATO liquid Prices,ATO liquid for sale

Product name:ATO liquid
Appearance:Light gray to Blue powder

Major ingredient:SnO2:Sb2O3=90:10
Tin oxide and antimony oxide (90:10)

Loss on drying(wt) %:0.5

PH value of water suspension:5.0-8.0

ATO is a multi-functional conductive material. It has many advantages such as high conductibility, light color and transparent, weatherability, anti-radiation, absorbing ultraviolet and infrared and so on, and mainly is used for anti-static plastic, coatings, fiber, anti-radiation coating of display, construction used energy-saving windows, solar battery and automobile windscreen and so on.
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The chemical structure of aflatoxin and features

 (1) and aflatoxin is a parasitic Aspergillus flavus metabolites;

 (2) B series and G series is divided into two categories,> 12 species;

 (3) two furan derivatives of coumarin, two furan ring at the end of a double bond, its toxic and carcinogenic, such as B1, G1, M1;

 (4) AFB1 most common, most toxic and carcinogenic;

 (5) does not dissolve in water, hexane, petroleum ether and ether;

 (6) to produce fluorescence under ultraviolet light;

 (7) heat-processing temperature cooking generally is not destroyed, 280 ℃ pyrolysis;

 (8) → NaOH + aflatoxin coumarin sodium salt (water soluble).

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metallic powders property

Metallic powders -like material is loose, its overall performance reflects the nature of the metal itself and the individual particle properties and particle group features. The performance of the metallic powders is generally divided into chemical properties, physical properties and process performance. Chemical properties is the metal content and impurities. Physical properties such as powder, the average size and size distribution, powder surface area and true density, particle shape, surface morphology and internal microstructure. Process performance is a combination of properties including powder flow, apparent density, tap density, compressibility, forming and sintering size changes. In addition, also requires some special purpose powder with other chemical and physical properties, such as catalytic, electrochemical activity, corrosion resistance, electromagnetic properties, internal friction coefficient. Performance of metallic powders depends largely on the powder production methods and Preparation process. Basic properties of the powder can be determined given the standard detection methods. Powder size and distribution of the measured many ways, generally using sieve analysis (> 44μm), sedimentation analysis (0.5 ~ 100μm), gas permeation method, the microscope method. Ultra-fine powder (<0.5μm) using electron microscopy and X-ray small angle scattering method. metallic powders used is divided into coarse, medium pink, powder, fine powder and fine powder of five levels.
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where to buy lead metal

Lead is a silvery white metal (tin compared to that lead slightly light blue), very soft, can use nail scratches on its surface. Of a program of lead on paper, will leave a gangster Road. In ancient times, people have used lead as a pen. "Pencil," the name is from here to. Lead is heavy, a cubic meter of lead weighing 11.3 tons, the ancient European alchemists who would use rotating house slow Saturn to represent it, writing "h". Shot put so heavy, that is to do with the lead. Bullet bullet often filling a lead, because if too light, when in the forward direction by the wind effects will change. Melting point of lead is very low, as 327 ℃, briquettes on the stove, the lead will melt into water.
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what is Rhodium (Ⅲ) Chloride Hydrate

Rhodium(III) chloride refers to inorganic compounds with the formula RhCl3(H2O)n, where n varies from 0 to 3. These are diamagnetic solids featuring octahedral Rh(III) centres. Depending on the value of n, the material is either a dense brown solid or a soluble reddish salt. The soluble salt is widely used to prepare compounds used in homogeneous catalysis.
Anhydrous rhodium chloride crystallises with a monoclinic crystal structure, same as in YCl3 or AlCl3.It is a dense brown solid that is insoluble in common solvents and of little value in the laboratory.

more about:buy Rhodium (Ⅲ) Chloride Hydrate

what is Caesium

Caesium is an alkali metal and has physical and chemical properties similar to those of rubidium and potassium. Caesium is a very soft (it has the lowest Mohs hardness of all elements (0.2)), very ductile, silvery-white metal, which develops a silvery-gold hue in the presence of trace amounts of oxygen. Caesium metal is highly reactive and very pyrophoric. In addition to igniting spontaneously in air, it reacts explosively with water even at low temperatures, more so than other members of the first group of the periodic table. The metal is extremely reactive and pyrophoric, reacting with water even at -116 °C (-177 °F). It is the least electronegative element that has stable isotopes, of which it has only one, caesium-133. Caesium is mined mostly from pollucite, while the radioisotopes, especially caesium-137, are extracted from waste produced by nuclear reactors.
Although the element is only mildly toxic, it is a hazardous material as a metal and its radioisotopes present a high health risk in case of radiation leaks.

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the use of cobalt sulfate

The industrial uses of cobalt sulfate range from coating and processing metal to adding color to ceramics. The red crystalline powder also appeared in human foods and drugs at one time, but concerns over the mineral's health risks led to bans on the use of cobalt sulfate for nonindustrial and nonveterinary purposes.

Adding cobalt sulfate to nickel-plating baths makes treated metals brighter, harder, more ductile and smoother. The mineral also produces red tints in pottery and porcelain glazes and helps to dry and fix inks on lithographic prints.

Brewers once used cobalt sulfate to prolong the life of beer foam, and ranchers have dosed livestock with cobalt sulfate or used fertilizer enriched with cobalt sulfate to ensure their animals get enough of the trace mineral needed to produce vitamin B12. Also, until recently, cobalt sulfate had a therapeutic role in treating certain forms of anemia.

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Hexachloroiridium(Ⅳ) Acid Hydrate

Product name:Hexachloroiridium(Ⅳ) Acid Hydrate

CAS NO.:16941-92-7

Molecular formula:H2IrCl6·6H2O

Molecular weight:

Characters: Brown liquid or black crystalline,readily moistrue absorption, sol. in water, hydrochloric acid and alcohols,decomposed by loss crystal water on ignition

It is used for producing coated electrode, important chemical catalyzer and raw material of iridium reagent.
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chloroplatinic acid use

Preparation for the main precious metal catalysts and precious metal plating; precipitation of potassium, gallium, ammonium, cesium and thallium, and sodium to the separation; precipitate alkaloids; plating; catalyst; manufacturing platinum asbestos.
For platinum and platinum as a catalyst, such as eternal ink and platinum mirror. In analytical chemistry used to test potassium, ammonium and other ions.
more about:Hexachloroplatinum Acid Hydrate
content from:http://www.thoughts.com/zyx6579/chloroplatinic-acid-use

Stannic Oxide Suppliers

[Products Name] Stannic Oxide
[Molecular Formula] SnO2
[CAS No.] 18282-10-5
Appearance: white to light gray powder
Chemical Compositions:

SnO2 ,%,≥
heavy metal(as lead and stannic),%,≤
acid dissolvable impurity ,%,≤
causis weightlessness,%,≤
no turbid after examination

use for making ceramics, enamelware and glasses industry.
In sealed iron drums 50kg net.
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Bifidobacterium Bifidum

While bacteria can cause severe infections, the vast majority of them not only useful but necessary for good health. As long as the
good bacteria in our body's war against those numbers that are harmful to win both our immune and digestive tract will benefit.

Among the fiercest warriors in the army beneficial microbes is a type of probiotic called Bifidobacterium bifidum, which inhabits
the intestine and vagina. His job is to keep the balance in the gut microflora to control the growth of harmful bacteria, strengthen
the immune system and aid in digestion. [1] Research is currently underway to examine the role of Bifidobacterium bifidum to
clarify the treatment of certain health conditions and the best way to increase production of useful probiotic colonies to raise
this within the human body.

Some of these studies center for infant nutrition and the role of Bifidobacterium bifidum can play in enhancing the immune
response of preterm or debilitated digestive system into the smallest among us. A study done on the effects of Bifidobacterium
bifidus in neonatal necrotizing entercolitis (NEC), one of the leading causes of death in premature infants showed some promising
results. The study was a premature rat population under the conditions that caused the development of NEC places performed. In
this controlled study, Bifidobacterium bifidus, led a reduction in NEC incidence 50-7 percent in the control group at five
percent in the study group. This suggests that Bifidobacterium bifidus could, which is widely used in breast milk, to reduce
inflammation and regulate the mucus layer to improve digestion in infants.

Another fascinating study of the effect of Bifidobacterium bifidus in controlling allergic diseases, involved babies born to
families with a history of eczema. A probiotic combination with Bifidobacterium bifidus was given a group of mothers before birth
and their babies for a year later. The control group received no probiotic treatment. The prevalence of eczema in the placebo
group was much higher than the intervention group, until the babies were three months old, and the preventive effect of the
intervention group lasted until their second birthday.

The current research also has shown that Bifidobacterium bifidum could be useful in managing allergic reactions. When the
researchers gave mice an oral dose of this probiotic to its effect on the production of immunoglobulin E test in mice, they
discovered that there is a strong suppressive effect. They concluded that Bifidobacterium bifidum could become a major weapon in
the fight against diseases caused by allergic reactions.
Since the scientific community continues to investigate this probiotic power plant, it is important to note that oral
Bifidobacterium bifidum not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Currently there are some in the medical experts
is especially recommended for bowel regularity and maintenance. People with severe indigestion or blood in the stool should
consult with their physician before using this probiotic. Although no side effects were reported, Bifidobacterium bifidum
pregnant and lactating women have with their doctor, who does not recommend the use of probiotics in these phases can, as it
could possibly be passed through breast milk from mother to advise her infant.

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content from:http://yanshenzheng.wordpress.com/2011/09/02/what-is-bifidobacterium-bifidum/

chloroplatinic acid use

Preparation for the main precious metal catalysts and precious metal plating; precipitation of potassium, gallium, ammonium, cesium and thallium, and sodium to the separation; precipitate alkaloids; plating; catalyst; manufacturing platinum asbestos.
For platinum and platinum as a catalyst, such as eternal ink and platinum mirror. In analytical chemistry used to test potassium, ammonium and other ions.
more about:
Hexachloroplatinum Acid Hydrate


what is Osmium tetroxide

Osmium tetroxide is the chemical compound with the formula OsO4. The compound is noteworthy for its many uses, despite the rarity of osmium. It also has a number of interesting properties, one being that the solid is volatile.Osmium tetroxide exists as a pale yellow-brown crystalline solid (monoclinic crystal symmetry) with a characteristic acrid chlorine-like odor. The element name osmium is derived from osme, Greek for odor. OsO4 is volatile: it sublimes at room temperature. It is soluble in a wide range of organic solvents, and moderately soluble in water, with which it reacts reversibly to form osmic acid (see below). Pure osmium tetraoxide is probably colourless and it has been suggested that its yellow hue is due to osmium dioxide (OsO2) impurities although osmium dioxide normally exists as a black powder. Osmium tetroxide molecule is tetrahedral and therefore non-polar. This nonpolarity helps OsO4 penetrate charged cell membranes. OsO4 is 518 times more soluble in CCl4 than in water.

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the use of Silver Powder

Silver Powder is new and freshly prepared. The powder has been ground and sifted.It is shipped in dark glass shrink-wrapped bottles.It is a dry, extremely fine gray powder that does not absorb moisture from the air.Particle size is about 2 microns. The Silver Powder has a texture similar to baking flour.
It is not soluble in water, but is soluble in dilute Nitric Acid.It has been known to kill germs.
The powder is non toxic.It is not impact sensitive. It won't explode or ignite when struck between heavy objects.Artists use Silver Powder to give Glass Beads a beautiful color.Scientists use Silver Powder in Research.Biologists study the germicidal effects of Silver Powder.Silver Ions (Ag+1) are purified to a minimum of 99.95% by weight.(1,000 grams of Silver Ions then contain less than .5 grams of impurities at this point.);The Purified Silver Ions are then precipitated from solution.The wet Silver Powder is filtered by suction to remove the water.The powder is then dried in warm air for several days.The powder is then vacuum dried.

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where to get Cobalt Carbonate

Cobalt is a lustrous, silvery-blue metallic chemical element, symbol Co, atomic number of 27 and an atomic weight of 58.93. Cobalt is obtained primarily as a by-product of the mining and processing of copper and nickel ores. Examples of cobalt ores include cobaltite [(Co,Fe)AsS], erythrite [(Co3(AsO4)2·8H2O)]. fukuchilite ( Cu3FeS8), glaucodot [(Co,Fe)AsS], linnaeite [(Co,Ni)3S4], skutterudite [(Co,Ni,Fe)As3], and smaltite [(Co,Fe,Ni)As2]. Cobalt is extracted as a by-product of nickel and copper concentration through pyrometallurgical, hydrometallurgical and electrolytic processes. Cobalt contributes corrosion resistant and hardness if alloyed with other metals and when used in electroplating. The major uses of cobalt is preparing metal alloys. Cobalt-60 with a half-life of 5.3 years is a gamma ray source when used in radiotherapy and sterilization. It is used as a catalyst in the petroleum production and chemical synthesis. Cobalt-molybdate catalyst is active in desulfurization of petroleum. Cobalt is combined with many other elements including chlorine, sulfur, nitrogen and oxygen. In addition to a common state +1, the most prevalent oxidation states of cobalt are +2 and +3. Cobalt compounds are used as pigments in glass and ceramics. It is used as a drying agent for paints, varnishes and inks.
Cobalt sulfate is any sulfate salt of either divalent or trivalent cobalt. Divalent cobalt sulfate anhydrous (CoSO4) melts at 96.8 C; soluble in methanol. It is used in preparing pigments and other cobalt salts. Trivalent cobalt sulfate [called cobaltic sulfate, Co2(SO4)3] contains trivalent cobalt acts as an oxidizing agent; soluble in sulfuric acid. Cobalt pigment is used in porcelains and glass. Cobalt sulfate is used in storage batteries and electroplating baths. It is used in sympathetic inks and as an additive to soils and animal feeds. It is a raw material to make other cobalt salts.

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about Scandium iodide introduction

Scandium Iodide is generally immediately available in most volumes. High purity, submicron and nanopowder forms may be considered. Iodide compounds are used in internal medicine. The treatment of an iodide with manganese dioxide and sulfuric acid sublimes the iodine. American Elements produces too many standard grades, if applicable, including Mil Spec (military), ACS, reagent and technical grade, food, agricultural and pharmaceutical-grade, optical grade, USP and EP / BP (United States Pharmacopeia / British Pharmacopeia ) and the following applicable ASTM testing standards. Additional technical, research and safety (MSDS) information is available as a reference Calculator for converting relevant units of measurement.

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what is Osmium tetroxide

Osmium tetroxide is the chemical compound with the formula OsO4. The compound is
 noteworthy for its many uses, despite the rarity of osmium. It also has a number
 of interesting properties, one being that the solid is volatile.Osmium tetroxide
 exists as a pale yellow-brown crystalline solid (monoclinic crystal symmetry) 
with a characteristic acrid chlorine-like odor. The element name osmium is 
derived from osme, Greek for odor. OsO4 is volatile: it sublimes at room 
temperature. It is soluble in a wide range of organic solvents, and moderately 
soluble in water, with which it reacts reversibly to form osmic acid (see below).
 Pure osmium tetraoxide is probably colourless and it has been suggested that
 its yellow hue is due to 
osmium dioxide (OsO2) impurities although osmium dioxide normally exists as a 
black powder. Osmium tetroxide molecule is tetrahedral and therefore non-polar.
 This nonpolarity helps OsO4 penetrate charged cell membranes. OsO4 is 518 times 
more soluble in CCl4 than in water.