


How to take cefixime?

Before you alpha demography cefixime, apprehend the manufacturer's printed advice advertisement from central your pack. The manufacturer's advertisement will accord you added advice about the antibacterial and a abounding account of side-effects which you may acquaintance from demography it.
You should yield cefixime absolutely as your doctor tells you to. The accepted dosage for adults and accouchement over 10 years of age, is 1 or 2 tablets circadian (or 10-20 ml aqueous medicine). You will be told whether to yield this as a individual dosage anniversary day, or as two doses, morning and evening. The dosage for adolescent accouchement is affected from their age or weight. Your doctor will acquaint you what dosage is appropriate for you (or your child), and this advice will be printed on the characterization of the backpack to admonish you. If you accept been accustomed aqueous medicine, apprehend the admonition anxiously to accomplish abiding you admeasurement out the actual bulk of medicine. Your doctor will aswell acquaint you how continued the advance of analysis will endure - this is frequently about 7 days, but may be for up to 14 days.
You can yield cefixime afore or afterwards food. Swallow the tablets accomplished with a alcohol of water. If you are demography added than one dosage a day, amplitude your doses out analogously throughout the day.
Keep demography the antibacterial until the advance is accomplished unless you are told to stop by your doctor. Demography the abounding advance is important (even if you feel your infection has austere up) in adjustment to anticipate the infection from advancing back.

If you overlook to yield a dose, yield one as anon as you remember. Try to yield the actual amount of doses anniversary day.

