Chlorphenamine, chlorpheniramine (USAN,
above BAN) or piriton (trade name), frequently marketed in the anatomy of
chlorphenamine maleate (Chlorphen-12), is a first-generation alkylamine
antihistamine acclimated in the blockage of the affection of allergic altitude
such as rhinitis and urticaria. Its allaying furnishings are almost anemic
compared to added first-generation antihistamines. Chlorphenamine is one of the
a lot of frequently acclimated antihistamines in small-animal veterinary
practice. Although not about accustomed as an antidepressant or anti-anxiety
medication, chlorphenamine appears to accept these backdrop as well.
Chlorphenamine is allotment of a
alternation of antihistamines including pheniramine (Naphcon) and its
halogenated derivatives and others including fluorpheniramine,
dexchlorpheniramine (Polaramine), brompheniramine (Dimetapp), dexbrompheniramine
(Drixoral), deschlorpheniramine, triprolidine (Actifed), and iodopheniramine.
The halogenated alkylamine antihistamines
all display optical isomerism, and chlorphenamine in the adumbrated articles is
racemic chlorphenamine maleate, admitting dexchlorpheniramine is the
dextrorotary stereoisomer.