


What is L-Arabinose?

Other:L(+)-Arabinosc; L(+)-pectinose; L(+)Pectinsugar; L(+)-Gum sugar
CAS No.: 5328-37-0
Molecular formula:C5H10O5
Mocular Weight:150.13
Appearance:white crystalline powder
L-Arabinose is a monosaccharide, and broadly exists in plants, and commonly accumulated with added monosaccharide to be afflicted to polysaccharide in absolute mucus, hemicellulose, pectin acid, bacterial polysaccharide and added indicans. L-Arabinose is a non-calorie accustomed admixture sweetener. It is benign to anti-obesity blockage and an aid for top claret amoroso in diabetes patients.
L-Arabinose is advantageous in the assembly of agreeable acknowledgment flavors. Derivates are broadly active in the development of antiviral agents such as nucleoside.
L-Arabinose is a by itself occurring amoroso bogus from wood-based or added biomass hydrolysates through a solvent-free break process.

