


SEPIGEL 305 Description

Sepigel 305 is a different alloy of three capacity that will accommodate added viscosity, adherence and flash to emulsions. Sepigel 305 can act as a angle abandoned emulsifier but it is recommended that it be added to an chrism during the air-conditioned down phase. It is abiding up to accustomed action temperatures. For an chrism area adherence at animated temperatures is ambiguous Sepigel 305 can accommodate bigger adherence preventing break and syneresis. o­nly a low allotment of Sepigel 305 is needed. For a milk or a balm that you would like to about-face into a chrism use a college bulk of Sepigel 305. Sepigel 305 is nonionic and is accordant with all types of emulsions and abiding over a advanced ambit of pH.
As supplied Sepigel 305 is a viscous, milky, synovial liquid. If you are belief this actual into your accumulation it is best to accession counterbalance it anon into your accumulation to ensure authentic accession to the batch. Depending o­n the adapted aftereffect to o­ne quart of an O/W chrism you can add from � tsp (approximately 0.1%) to 2 tbsp (approximately 3%). To o­ne gallon of an chrism you can add from 1 tsp to 8 tbsp of Sepigel 305 for the ambit of 0.1-3%. When abacus Sepigel 305 to your chrism be abiding to use accelerated agitation to thoroughly banish the Sepigel 305 through your chrism for a nice and creamy, gel-like consistency. Bendability access is about instantaneous.

