


Chlorpromazine Mechanism of Action

Chlorpromazine is a consciousness-expanding abettor adumbrated for the assay of schizophrenia. It aswell exerts abating and antiemetic activity. Chlorpromazine has accomplishments at all levels of the axial abashed system-primarily at subcortical levels-as able as on different bureau systems. Chlorpromazine has able antiadrenergic and weaker ambiguous anticholinergic activity; ganglionic blocking action is about slight. It aswell possesses slight antihistaminic and antiserotonin activity.

Chlorpromazine acts as an antagonist (blocking agent) on adapted postsysnaptic receptors -on dopaminergic-receptors (subtypes D1, D2, D3 and D4 - adapted antipsychotic accomplishments on advantageous and bootless symptoms), on serotonergic-receptors (5-HT1 and 5-HT2, with anxiolytic, antidepressive and antiaggressive accomplishments as able as an chafe of extrapypramidal side-effects, but aswell accomplished to weight gain, abatement in blood pressure, antithesis and acclaim difficulties), on histaminergic-receptors (H1-receptors, sedation, antiemesis, vertigo, abatement in blood accountability and weight gain), alpha1/alpha2-receptors (antisympathomimetic properties, blurred of blood pressure, reflex tachycardia, vertigo, sedation, hypersalivation and bender as able as beastly dysfunction, but may aswell allay pseudoparkinsonism - controversial) and absolutely on muscarinic (cholinergic) M1/M2-receptors (causing anticholinergic amore like dry mouth, blurred vision, obstipation, difficulty/inability to urinate, atrium tachycardia, ECG-changes and blow of memory, but the anticholinergic action may allay extrapyramidal side-effects). Additionally, Chlorpromazine is a bloodless presynaptic inhibitor of Dopamine reuptake, which may beforehand to (mild) antidepressive and antiparkinsonian effects. This action could aswell anniversary for psychomotor agitation and accession of psychosis (very rarely acclaimed in analytic use).

