


The butanedioic acid components source

Butanedioic acid is a natural source of long-Pinus resin made ​​of amber and other buried underground, in

addition to widespread in a variety of plants, animal tissue.
Butanedioic acid is a plant resin, buried underground in a long time from amber containing 7.8% of the

product. Umbelliferae Angelica Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels root, orange vine plants Araceae Pothos

chinensis (Raf.) Merr., Legumes night closed Lesspedeza caneata G. Don, Campanulaceae plant lobelia Lo-

belia chinen-sis Lour. the whole plant, orchid plant grass coral (Sarcandrae) Sarcardra glabra (Thumb.)

Nakai whole plant, plant material sandalwood Thesium Thesium chinense Turcz. the whole plant. Leguminous

alfalfa leaves; Umbelliferae Angelica root; Araceae vine orange; Campanulaceae Lobelia; Orchidaceae;

Santalaceae and strawberries. Grapes.

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