


what are nanomaterials

nanomaterials are refers to the three dimensional space scale at least one d in the nanometer range (1-100 nm) material, it is by size between atoms, molecules and macroscopic system of the nanoparticles between composed of a new generation of materials. Because of its component unit of the scale of the small, interface take considerable composition. Therefore, nanometer material has DuoZhong characteristics, leading to the nanoparticles by a system composed of different from the usual appeared chunks of macro material system of the many extraordinary properties. Nano system so that people familiar with nature and to enter into a new level, it is contact atoms, molecules and macroscopic system of the intermediate links, and the people in the past is never explored new areas, in fact the nano of particles materials to macroscopic system evolution process, on the structure change of ordered degree, in state of the balance of the nature of the nature, make the system makes a big difference, of nanometer materials research will keep people from the micro to macro more familiar with the transition.

nanomaterials,nano materials,about nanomaterials,properties of nanoparticles

