Tombarthiteis the strategy of China's most abundant resource, it is essential to many sophisticated industrial raw materials, China has a lot of strategic resources such as iron ore and other poor but very rich in rare earth resources. At present, the resource is a national treasure, but also developing countries to defend their rights, against the powers of an important weapon power. The chief architect of China's reform and opening up, Comrade Deng Xiaoping once said eloquently: "Middle East oil, we have the earth." Earth is a group of both electric, magnetic, optical, and biological and other properties of new functional materials, the information technology, biotechnology, energy technology and other high-tech fields and important basis for national defense materials, but also on the transformation of some traditional industries such as agriculture, chemicals, building materials plays an important role. RE versatile, you can use a wide range of rare earth functional materials, are forming a large-scale high-tech industry group, has a very broad market prospects and a very important strategic significance. "Industrial vitamin" reputation.
China is truly the world's largest rare earth resources in the country, has been proven about 65.88 million tons of rare earth resources. China's rare earth resources is not only abundant, but also with complete minerals and rare earth elements, rare earth ore grade and a reasonable distribution of points and other advantages, the development of rare earth industry in China has laid a solid foundation. China's rare earth resources in very favorable conditions for mineralization, deposit type is complete, wide distribution and a relatively concentrated.