


Pyridine Applications

Pyridine is broadly used as a able solvent. Deuterated pyridine, called pyridine-d5, is a known bread-and-butter for1H NMR spectroscopy.
It is important in industrial amoebic chemistry, both as a axiological architecture block and as a bread-and-butter and reagent in amoebic synthesis. It is used as a bread-and-butter in Knoevenagel condensations.
Pyridine-borane, C5H5NBH3 (m.p. 10–11°C), is a balmy abbreviation abettor with bigger adherence compared to sodium borohydride (NaBH4) in protic solvents and bigger solubility in aprotic amoebic solvents.
Pyridine-sulfur trioxide, C5H5NSO3 (mp 175 °C), is a sulfonation abettor used to catechumen alcohols to sulfonates, which in about-face abide C-O band scission (break-up) aloft abridgement with hydride agents.
It is a starting actual in the amalgam of compounds used as intermediates in authoritative insecticides, herbicides, pharmaceuticals, food flavorings, dyes, elastic chemicals, adhesives, paints, explosives, and disinfectants.
It is used as a denaturant for antifreeze mixtures.

It is sometimes used as a ligand in allocation chemistry.

