


How to take doxycycline?

Take doxycycline with aliment and a ample bottle of water.
Remain cocked for at atomic 30 account afterwards demography doxycycline. Do not lie down for at atomic 30 account afterwards demography doxycycline or do not yield it just afore bed.
Take doxycycline at atomic 1 hour afore or 2 hours afterwards antacids (including sodium bicarbonate), calcium supplements, and laxatives absolute magnesium.
Take doxycycline at atomic 2 hours afore or 3 hours afterwards adamant affairs and vitamin articles that accommodate iron.
Limit or abstain booze while you are demography doxycycline.
Do not stop demography doxycycline, even if you feel bigger afterwards a few days.
If you overlook to yield doxycycline, yield it as anon as you remember.

But, if it is about time for your next dose, just yield it at the appropriate time; do not yield bifold the amount.

