


Niger Seeds Properties and Uses

Niger seeds accommodate about 40 % oil and about 20 % protein. Niger oil has a fatty acerbic agreement archetypal for added Compositae ancestors oils, such as safflower and sunflower (16). Fortunately,oil produced by crops in the Compositae ancestors is advised to be a part of the convalescent selections. Niger seed oil contains linoleic acerbic as the primary fatty acerbic (75-80%), followed by palmitic and stearic acids (7-8%) and oleic acerbic (5-8%), although Indian Niger oil is reportedly college in oleic acerbic (25%) and lower in linoleic acerbic (55%).

Described as accepting a “nutty aftertaste and a affable odour,” the comestible oil is the essential artefact from Niger seed in both Ethiopia and India. Various methods and accessories are acclimated to columnist the oil, including“small cottage expellers and ample oil mills.” And besides affable purposes, Niger oil is aswell acclimated for “lighting, anointing, painting and charwoman of machinery.” It can aswell acting for sesame oil for biologic purposes and can be used for soap-making.
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